Category Archives: Breast Procedures

Breast Augmentation, Breast enlargement: What is settling?

Cosmetic breast augmentation or breast enlargement is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedures done each years! Statistics by the American Society of Plastic Surgery show that this operation is in the top three almost every year. Results and patient satisfaction is usually very high with cosmetic breast surgery.

However, women need to understand that it is not an operation where the breast implants are placed and “presto-chango” you wake up with perfect breasts. It takes time for healing to occur- and that is what this writing will focus on. Breast augmentation or breast enlargement involves putting breast implants behind the muscle. They are almost always placed there. The muscle is the pectoralis muscle predominantly, but also the serratis on the side to a lesser degree.

The placement of breast implants behind the muscle is called sub-muscular breast augmentation or breast enlargement. The muscle provides soft-tissue coverage and improved results. However, the space behind the muscle is very tight at first and it takes time for this space to stretch out.

This process or “stretching” is commonly referred to as breast implant dropping, breast implant settling, and or breast implant drop and fluff! These are layman terms for the changes that occur after this cosmetic breast operation. This stretching out of the muscle does take time- a short period of time usually but sometimes several months or even longer. Most people however can look good in just a couple of weeks! This is true especially in clothing or swim suits, but undressed it can be seen longer.

This process of breast augmentation settling is gradual, because it takes time for the muscles to stretch out and relax. It is similar to the slow changes that happen to the abdominal muscles with pregnancy. However, getting stretch marks in the skin with breast implants is exceedingly rare but more common with pregnancy.

During this process of breast enlargement settling, the breasts will gradually change and soften. The shape and appearance changes also. The breasts tend to slowly look more round and natural. It takes time, so be patient! Sometimes the breasts even look bigger as the muscle relaxes and the implants “come out.”

Breast enlargement settling gradually occurs and the implants “drop” during this process. When this happens the nipple comes down. It might seem unusual but breast implant settling or breast implant dropping occurs inside. So as the breast implant drops- the nipple moves up! This is extremely normal! When breast implants settle this is what happens.

Breast augmentation recovery or breast enlargement recovery has two phases. The first phase is the short period around the actual operation. This is the part unfortunately where pain is involved. However, Dr. Saunders uses a “Pain-Buster” to really decrease this and help make it as pain free as possible. The second phase of breast augmentation recovery is this slow stretching of the tissue and muscle that is called breast enlargement dropping or breast augmentation settling.

This second phase does take time as described above but usually there is no real pain with this phase! Breast massage or breast implant displacement are stretching maneuvers that are done to speed up the breast implant dropping. Dr. Saunders has a breast implant massage technique video that shows this in detail. He also has another educational writing that talks about and explains breast implant massage in detail.

People interested in breast augmentation or breast enlargement or other topics such as breast augmentation cost, breast augmentation recovery, or breast augmentation technique should please call the office for an appointment.

Dr. Saunders is a board certified plastic surgeon who practices exclusively cosmetic surgery. Please check out the breast augmentation before and after photos on our web site. Also, please come in for a complimentary consultation to learn about your choices and options!

Click here to visit our Breast Augmentation photo gallery

Breast Augmentation Massage or Breast Enlargement Massage

What is breast augmentation or breast enlargement massage? What is this, and what does it have to do with cosmetic breast implants?

Breast augmentation massage is also called implant displacement. It is a series of maneuvers or techniques to move the implants around inside the body. The purpose is to help the breasts heal and soften after surgery and to minimize scarring in the future. This will be discussed in more detail below.

The first purpose of breast enlargement massage is to help the breasts heal and soften after cosmetic breast surgery. The tissue and muscle on top of the breast implants will be swollen and “tight” after surgery. This tissue will gradual soften and stretch over time. The swelling will also gradually resolve as part of breast augmentation recovery. Massage will help this stretching thru physical movement and range of motion of the implant. Massge will also help with swelling by incresased lymphatic drainage.

The second purpose of breast augmentation massage after surgery is to help minimize scarring in the future. This is called capsular contracture or “hardening of the implants.” The idea is that breast augmentation massage after surgery will minimize this from occurring- like stretching will minimize stiff joints.

It has been shown in medical studies of breast augmentation that the implant placed beneath the muscle leads to lower levels of scar tissue formation. It is thought that the muscle might get “internally” massaged as the muscle contracts to decrease scar formation! Massage done by the patient is also believed to decrease this scar tissue from occurring.

Breast implant massage or breast implant massage exercises are recommended by Dr. Saunders after cosmetic breast surgery. During breast augmentation recovery, you will be shown how this is done. It is a two step process. The first is “pushing” from the sides and the second is “pinching” from the top. Both parts are held for a minute or so and then repeated multiple times. The whole process of breast implant massage technique is repeated several times in the day. Please see Dr. Saunders video on breast implant massage technique that shows exactly how the breast augmentation massage is done!

People will ask, “How long should I do massage? When should I stop?” Breast massage is recommended to be done essentially forever! This might sound hard but it is not. Once the breasts have softened, massage can be simplified. Usually it is done just once a day for a minute or two. During a person’s daily shower is a good time this can be performed. It is maintained to minimize scar tissue formation.

Doing regular breast augmentation massage after surgery does not guarantee that a person will not get capsular contracture. It is done to decrease the chance!

If a patient has breast implants and a breast lift, the instructions for the breast augmentation massage technique might be different to allow for better healing. Dr. Saunders will review this with you personally.

People interested in breast augmentation or breast enlargement or other topics such as breast augmentation cost, breast augmentation recovery, or breast augmentation technique should please call the office for an appointment.

Dr. Saunders is a board certified plastic surgeon who practices exclusively cosmetic surgery. Please check out the breast augmentation before and after photos on our web site. Also, please come in for a complimentary consultation to learn about your choices and options!

Breast Implants Saline or Silicone?

When women are considering cosmetic breast augmentation, they have a choice about breast implants. There are two main breast implants to choose from with breast enlargement: Saline breast implants and Silicone breast implants. It is important to learn the difference about these breast implants and this is the purpose of this educational writing.

Many women ask, “Which implants are best?- breast implants saline vs silicone?” First, it is important to understand that one breast implant is not better than the other! Silicone breast implants are not “better” than saline breast implants or vice versa. There are choices and options. Think of it more like picking your favorite favor. It is not wrong or right. There are advantages and disadvantages to both types. It is important to learn about both to make the best choice!

Saline breast implants are filled with saline. Saline is the medical word for salt water. Humans are about 70% salt water. The implant shell can be thought of as a “plastic bag.” The bag holds the saline. It is, however, an expensive and extensively studied bag! A women who chooses saline breast augmentation for her cosmetic breast enlargement essentially is picking a salt water filled “balloon” that is very natural in shape and feel.

Silicone breast implants are filled with silicone gel. The silicone is a “gelatin” and not an oil that was used in older and out-dated silicone implants in the past. The breast implants silicone gel is sometimes just referred to as “gel” implants. This still means silicone breast implants. These implants are also commonly referred to as “cohesive”, “gummy-bear”, or “gel” implants. They are all silicone breast implants that are FDA approved. The “bag” holding the silicone is the same as for saline breast implants.

Neither silicone breast implants or saline breast implants cause disease. This is a frequent worry of women choosing breast implants. Many people lean towards saline because they heard something about silicone causing disease. Dr. Saunders was the principle investigator of the silicone research study at Christiana Care Hospital System. This study was part of the national study examining silicone breast implants.

The conclusion of the FDA study was that silicone implants are extremely safe and do not cause disease! They were taken off the market for almost 15 years to study the safety! After this extensive review they are again available. It is Dr. Saunders’ opinion that silicone implants or breast implants silicone gel are one of the most extensively studied medical products in medical history!

Dr. Saunders does not “push” one breast implant over another. He believes it is a choice. He wants his patients to choose the best breast implant for their breast augmentation that they want and feel most comfortable with!!


Remember, it is a choice (not wrong or right) when picking your breast implants for breast enlargement surgery. Saline implants have the advantage of being psychologically safer because they are salt water. They also are placed with the smallest incision, because they are empty and filled after being placed at surgery. They feel like a water balloon, so they are not as soft and natural as silicone breast implants. Saline implants are natural, extremely safe, feel wonderful to most patients, and give outstanding results frequently.


Remember, it is a choice (not wrong or right) when picking your breast implants for cosmetic breast augmentation surgery. Silicone breast implants are totally safe, have FDA backing , do not cause disease, and have been used and studied for more than 40 years! They require a slightly larger incision than saline breast implants because they are pre-filled. They are more expensive than saline breast implants. Silicone breast implants are the most natural breast implants for feel and appearance. The FDA recommends MRI’s periodically to follow them.

Summary of the advantages and disadvantages:

1- Filled with a natural salt water
2- Less expensive- saline breast implants cost vs silicone
3- Requires the smallest incision to place
4- Slightly less natural feel and appearance than silicone

1- Filled with silicone gel
2- More expensive – breast implants silicone cost vs saline
3- Requires a slightly bigger incision to place
4- More natural feel and appearance
5- MRI recommended periodically by FDA

People interested in saline or silicone breast implants, or breast augmentation cosmetic surgery or breast enlargement cosmetic surgery or other topics such as breast augmentation cost, breast augmentation recovery, or breast augmentation technique should please call the office for an appointment. Dr. Saunders will review your breast surgery with you in detail! He will help you figure out which breast implant is best for you!

Dr. Saunders is a board certified plastic surgeon who practices exclusively cosmetic surgery. Please check out the breast enlargement before and after photos on our web site. Also, please come in for a complimentary consultation to learn about your choices and options!

Breast Lift Surgery and Breast Reduction Surgery: Understanding the incisions or Scars

The writings or blogs are posted most recently on the top. For example, patients who are reading these writings on breast lift cosmetic surgery, it is best to scroll down and start reading the writings at Wilmington Breast Lift and Breast Reduction. This would be first. The later ones are in sequence as they have been added later.

Breast lift incisions or scars are of major concern. Poor scars on the breast are, in fact, one of the major causes for law suits against plastic surgeons. Breast incisions typically heal well and fade with time, but they can heal poorly or become hypertrophic or keloidal. Poor scars can be described as raised, red, and unsightly. A woman can have an operation to make the breast prettier, and all of a sudden she ends up with bad scars. She has become “scarred”. This is never the goal, of course. Most women do not end up like this. Most women have good or excellent results with incisions that fade well. The risk that the incisions do not fade well is one of the main risks a woman must face. Medical studies and medical research have shown extremely high satisfaction rates with these operations. The medical literature would support the conclusion that these operations really work. They improve symptoms of back and neck pain, and they greatly improve the shape and attractiveness of the breast. Most women are pleased with their operation, their surgeon, and would do it again if asked. However the “Real-Reality” of these breast operations, like many operations, is that the patient and doctor take a statistical chance. This is the chance that the incision doesn’t fade, as it is expected to, after breast lift or breast reduction surgery. The incisions or the scars and how they fade are of utmost importance. Certain operations like cosmetic eye lifts almost never get bad scars. Breast lift and breast reduction surgery have a greater chance. Although this rate is still very low, I believe it is the major factor that must be discussed before surgery. If a woman hates her breasts, and she cannot stand to look at them in the mirror, then she is an excellent candidate for this type of breast surgery. She typically will love the new shape and appearance of her breasts. The incisions are a necessary trade-off. In the great majority of cases, the incisions fade very well. They never go away. However, there really is no other option besides surgery, except not having the operation. No creams, suction massage, or puppet strings will work and lift the breast. These are not reality. You live with the existing shape of the breast or have the operation. In this scenario described, where the woman cannot stand her breasts and she believes it is not a minor issue but a major dissatisfaction, then she typically will be happy with surgery. This is a patient that probably will like the results of the breast lift. The necessary trade-off of the incisions will be outweighed by the improvement in appearance, and she will feel the operation has been worth it.

In contrast to breast lift, breast augmentation or breast enlargement have very small incisions. The incision for breast augmentation is small because the implant can be “rolled up” and placed in “empty.” It is then “filled up” inside the breast under the muscle. The incision for breast augmentation is much smaller than the breast lift and has a very high rate of fading extremely well.

Women interested in breast lift, breast augmentation, breast lift and augmentation, breast lift recovery, breast lift cost, and breast lift incisions should come in for a consultation with Dr. Saunders. Please also see the breast lift before and after photos and the breast augmentation before and after photos.

Breast Lift and Breast Reduction Incisions and scars

The single greatest issue to understand about breast reduction or breast lift surgery is the incision or scars. You cannot have a lift through the armpit or with tiny hidden incisions. This is unrealistic and never done. Breast lifting and breast reduction surgery requires incisions on the breast to perform the operation. These incisions are permanent. They fade. But they are the main concept to understand if one is considering this operation. What are the incisions going to look like? Am I going to be scarred? The “Real-Reality” of breast lifting or breast reduction is understanding the requirement for the incisions and what to expect.

Three main incision patterns are used. The first is around the nipple called a circumareolar incision. The areola is the pigmented aspect of the nipple. The second major pattern is around the nipple and down to the crease beneath the breast, where the wire is in a bra. This is typically called a “lollipop” pattern. The third main pattern is around the nipple, down to the crease, and also underneath the breast. Sometimes this is called a “keyhole” or “anchor” pattern. This is the operation with the largest incisions. Breast lift cost is not determined by the incisions.

The circumareolar incision pattern is the least frequently done around the country. It is a pattern everyone wants to have and the one doctors want to use. Remember, the doctor, and the patients both want the smallest incisions, because they have the same goal. The goal is pretty breasts with the smallest incisions possible. However, the “Real-Reality” is that small incisions allow for only a small amount of skin removal. Larger incisions allow for larger amounts of skin removal. If you have a fairly small amount of hanging of the breasts then you might only need a very small amount of skin removal. Most women seeking a breast lift have greater degrees of hanging and hence need greater amount of skin removal. You cannot have significant lifting of the breast without significant removal of skin. This same concept applies to a tummy tuck and facial rejuvenation surgery also. Small incisions allow for small removal of loose or excess skin. Bigger incisions allow for bigger degrees of skin removal, and hence bigger degrees of rejuvenation or lifting. A tummy tuck with bigger incisions allows for more dramatic skin removal and hence greater degrees of flattening of the stomach, compared with operations with small incisions such as a mini tummy tuck. With a face-lift, longer incision patterns allow for greater rejuvenation of the face, compared with short scar techniques. These concepts cannot be changed. This concept applies to breast surgery, abdominal surgery, facial rejuvenation, and most aspects of cosmetic surgery. With today’s technology, with the greatest and best state-of-the-art techniques, this understanding is important to grasp the “Real-Reality” of surgery. Understanding this will help a woman understand what incision pattern she will need and why. Most women having a breast lift or breast reduction do not need the big incision beneath the breast unless they have really large breasts or a lot of hanging. Most women can be lifted with the “lollipop” incision pattern. Adding breast implants with a simultaneous breast augmentation can help with excess skin and minimize the need for longer incisions. This operation is called a breast lift and augmentation.

This topic of breast lift and breast reduction incisions will be covered further in an upcoming writing in the near future. Look for this soon.

Dr. Saunders is a board certified plastic surgeon who practices exclusively cosmetic surgery. Delaware cosmetic surgery, West Chester cosmetic surgery, and Media cosmetic surgery patients are encouraged to come in for a complimentary consultation and to check out Dr. Saunders’ deluxe state licensed surgical center.
For people interested in breast lift cost, breast lift photos, breast lift recovery, breast lift and augmentation, or any aspect of breast lift surgery, please call for a complimentary consultation. Please also see the breast lift before and after photos on our web site.